Supervised machine learning which altcoin is bitcoin

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Disclaimer: All the information in this article including the algorithm was provided and published for educational purpose only, not a solicitation for investment nor investment advice.

Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. This means it is not governed by any central bank or some other authority. This cryptocurrency was created in but it became extremely popular in Some experts call bitcoin «the currency of the future» or even lead it as an example of the social revolution.

The bitcoin price has increased several times during the year. At the same time, it is very volatile. Many economic entities are interested in tools for predicting the bitcoin prices. It is especially important for existing or potential investors and for government structures. The last needs to be ready to significant price movements to prepare a consistent economic policy. So, the demand for Bitcoin price prediction mechanism is high. This notebook demonstrates the prediction of the bitcoin price by the neural network model.

You can read more about these types of NN here:. The dataset we are using is available here: Bitcoin Historical Data. We can see that there are not null values in the dataset. Now we want to preview the head of the dataset to know the structure of the data:.

We want to transform the data to get the average price grouped by the day and to see usual datetime format not a timestamp as. We need to split our dataset because we want to train and test the model only on some chunk of the data.

So, in the next cell, we are counting the necessary parameters for splitting number of days between some dates. We want to train our model on the data from January 1,until August 21,and to test the model on the data from August 21,until October 20, We want to estimate some parameters of our data because this can be useful in the further model designing. The first important thing when forecasting time series is to check if the data is stationary.

This means that our data is influenced by such factors as trend or seasonality. In the next cell, we concatenate train and test data to make analysis and transformations simultaneously. In the next couple of cells, we perform a seasonal decomposition of the data to estimate its trend and seasonality. You can see the actual price movements on the plot below «observed» as well as the trend and seasonality in our data. The next thing we do is the examination of the autocorrelation. It is it is the similarity between observations as a function of the time lag between.

It is important for finding repeating patterns in the data. We need to prepare our dataset according to the supervised machine learning which altcoin is bitcoin of the model, as well as to split the dataset into train and test parts. In the next cell, we define a function which creates X inputs and Y labels for our model.

In the sequential forecasting, we predict the future value based on some previous and current values. So, our Y label is the value from the next future point of time while the X inputs are one or several values from the past.

If we set it to 1, this means that we predict current value t based on the previous value t We have tried to train several different models and compare their results.

You can find them in the table. As we can see, the best result is obtained by using the 2-stacked LSTM. The Autoregressive integrated moving average model ARIMA shows the worst results both in performance and training time. We can also see, that the 1-layer LSTM model is not capable to recognize patterns in the data so we need more complex models.

We are going to demonstrate 2-layers LSTM neural network in more. Eventually, we can build and train our model. We use Keras framework for deep learning. Our model consists of two stacked LSTM layers with units each and the densely connected output layer with one neuron. We are using Adam optimizer and MSE as a loss. Also, we use an early stopping if the result doesn’t improve during 20 training iterations epochs. We have trained our model. You can see that it has good performance even after several iterations.

On the plot above, we compare supervised machine learning which altcoin is bitcoin Train and Test loss on each iteration of the training process. We can see, that after some iterations the train and test loss became very similar, which is a good sign this means we are not overfitting the train set. Below, we use our model to predict labels for the test set.

Then we inverse original scale of our data. You can see a comparison of true and predicted labels on the chart. It looks like our model gives good results lines are very similar! Below we calculated the root mean squared error RMSE. The meaning of this indicator is what is the average distance between predicted points on the test set and the actual true labels. In other words, it shows the extent of our error.

The less this number, the better. Below we extract the convenient format of dates and plot the same chart as above, but with these dates on the X-axis. The results we obtained can be improved. For this, we will try the following thing. We get 10 different train and test datasets and train the model on each train test and then test it on the corresponding test dataset.

Then we find an average RMSE on all these datasets and subtract this value from each prediction, obtained from our current model. This can improve the performance.

First what we do is to define three functions, which will be acting as subsequent elements in the pipeline. Basically, these functions are very similar to what we do when preparing data and training our previous 2-layers LSTM model.

The function below uses all three previous functions to build workflow of calculations and return RMSE and predictions of the model. Next, we subtract the mean RMSE from each prediction our model produced.

Then, we recalculate the RMSE for the model. We can see, that the RMSE has been reduced significantly. This means that our experiment was successful. On the plot below you can see the difference between the predicted and true test labels. It will show how good our predictions are in percentage. These models can be used to predict future price movements of bitcoin.

The performance of the models is quite good. On average, both models considered here, makes an error measured only in tens of USD. Back to Blog Next Article. Bitcoin price forecasting with deep learning algorithms. Using TensorFlow backend. Now we load the dataset in the memory and test it on the presence of the null values:. Now we are splitting our data into the train and test set:. Now we perform final data preparation: Reshape the train and test datasets according to the requirements of the model.

Test RMSE: We want to demonstrate this approach on the GRU model just to show different models. Improve your skills with Data Science School. Learn More. Related posts. Related services.

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Thusthe SVM is considered. Table 1: Variable Desc ription. Thanks for reading! Well, how could this be possible? Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Relating machine lear ning algorithms. Bitcoin BTC is often cited as Libertarian. That distribution improves over time as the algorithm explores the hyperspace and zones in on the areas that produce the most value. The Sortino ratio is very similar to the Sharpe ratio, except it only considers downside volatility as risk, rather than overall volatility. It lock s the transaction as the. Image by AnalyticsVidhya. All of our metrics up to this point have failed to take into account drawdown. Stellar, Ripple and Nem. These explicit boundaries have proven to be beneficial for design optimization and reliability assessment, especially for problems with large computational times, discontinuities, or binary outputs. See responses


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