Altcoin market cap dominance tradingview

altcoin market cap dominance tradingview

ReallyMe , You got me there. BTC Dominance Cap. From the creators of MultiCharts. From the creators of MultiCharts. ReallyMe , I like this idea but I think I’m too chicken to trade out into stables. RSI is extremely on the overbought condition for the past 7 days. The market dominance of Bitcoin is at a High having reached the Highs this week.

OTHERS.D Index Chart

In the first ever post coming from BitOwned, I’m going to drop some knowledge. This is something I kept secret for me and some select people that have been chasing with me the next altcoins bull market. All this until today, when I decided to share the knowledge with you and everyone who would like to join our community and be part of this group. If you’re Things are turning interesting. I am sensing that altcoins are slowly, but surely waking up. I am expecting big double-digit

Predictions and Analysis

altcoin market cap dominance tradingview
Bitcoin vs Altcoin Market Dominance. The market dominance of Bitcoin is at a High having reached the Highs this week. With the RSI breaking over The alt market dominance is past its Lows approaching the levels. The equilibrium of the two market dominance markers is close to be achieved and since April it has been working in favor of the alt market and there is no reason to expect something different this time. We expect Bitcoin to slow down its aggressive rise for the following 1 — 2 months while the Alt coins gain relatively. High quality portfolio management, asset allocation with excellent risk management.

Crypto market cap charts

Bitcoin vs Altcoin Market Dominance. The market dominance of Bitcoin is at a High having reached the Highs this week. With the RSI breaking over The alt market dominance is past its Lows approaching the levels.

The equilibrium of the two market dominance markers is close to be achieved and since April it has been working in favor of the alt market and there is no reason to expect something different this time.

We expect Bitcoin to slow down its aggressive rise for the following 1 — 2 months while the Alt coins gain relatively. High quality portfolio management, asset allocation with excellent risk management. Post Comment. SatomiZa iarrow.

Watching your chart right. Eyes on that Alt dominance chart to see whether that double touch altcoin market cap dominance tradingview the equilibrium line leads to a sustainable bounce like.

Great visualization, btw. So my original idea from January 4, at which many people rolled their eyes altcoin market cap dominance tradingview commented «oh no, never ever» was probably right!

Today it looks like. We will see BMLemon ReallyMe. ReallyMeI like this idea but I think I’m too chicken to trade out into stables. I don’t know if we put in the 4 wave or if we’ve completed 5 and we’re putting in the corrective waves. One thing I think is interesting to note is how many of the Alts have formed complex WXY corrections and makes me think BTC could do the same thing, losing dominance until it’s finally fully corrected and everyone is fully screwed.

ReallyMe BMLemon. BMLemonYes, it’s all possible. ReallyMeinvalidated. ReallyMe cdutler5. ReallyMeYou got me. For Business. Made. From the creators of MultiCharts. Got it.

Very Useful New Charts: «Total Market Cap» Now On Tradingview

TOTAL2 Index Chart

Now this value is moving down, so alts are turning green. Made. The dominance didnt dump sharply the way I thought it. ReallyMeYou got me. The equilibrium of the two market dominance markers is close to be achieved and since April it dminance been working in altconi of the alt market and there is no reason to expect something different this time. The 1 hour is not offering any kind of patter which indicates a bearish continuation or bullish outcome in the near future. It can give some alt-window opportunities IF this support will break, if yes I will inform you about opportunities in altcoins or which altcoins altcoin market cap dominance tradingview the strongest.


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