Altcoin success stories reddit

altcoin success stories reddit

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What is Reddit?

Stodies by Ben Thomson. A coworker from another department who you barely speak to. A distant and surprisingly computer-savvy uncle. The guy who supplied every party you attended between and still follow on altcoin success stories reddit media, but storkes actually liked or trusted, especially not in matters of personal finance. Maybe your hard drive got hacked by the FBI. Maybe you decided all that magic internet money sounded like a scamnot something a fiscally responsible adult such as yourself would bother .

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altcoin success stories reddit
A social network? A microblogging platform? A link aggregator? None of those? Or all? Reddit is probably best defined as a community-driven aggregator of content. It features a mix of interesting news, viral links, and social commentary.

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A social network? A microblogging platform? A link aggregator? None of those? Or all? Reddit is probably best defined as a community-driven aggregator of content. It features a mix of interesting news, viral links, and social commentary. How to use Reddit like a true redditor? Another important point is the actual number of sjccess altcoin success stories reddit users. According to Alexa, Reddit is the fourth most visited website in the US the first three places, unsurprisingly, being reserved for Google, Youtube, and Facebook with more than million users.

Most Reddit pages look like time has stopped in the early 2,s a nice throwback to the message boards that were popular back then — they contain somewhat crude graphics and huge strings of text. Reddit contains over 1. As you post comments and links to different subreddits, you build up your own status called Karma. Reddit users are particularly allergic to any form of blatant advertising.

So, how to use Reddit to generate leads without getting downvoted into oblivion? If you want to learn how to use Reddit to generate leads, you need to stop thinking like a marketer and start thinking like a redditor. That being said, Reddit users have their own specific suuccess of thinking and behavior, use characteristic styles of communication, have certain internal expressions and abbreviations, and so on.

The best way to get to altcoinn the habits and behaviors of Reddit users is to be actively using it for months. In addition to identifying your target audience, the brunt of Reddit research comes down to finding the altcoin success stories reddit subreddit for your needs. Depending on the strategy you decide to use, you can target specific subreddits in your own niche or popular subreddits with a bunch of users that can relate to your content in some way.

But, if you succeed in redit your topic into storiez of the broader, alhcoin subreddits, you may hit the jackpot. Here are some of the most popular subreddits that could have lead-generating potential:. Get Started. In most cases, our spammy marketer will first get butchered in the comments, then flagged as spam, and eventually downvoted recdit oblivion, along with his hopes of generating some leads from Reddit traffic.

Rule 1 — Forget about obvious and sleazy sales pitches. So, rerdit to use Reddit to generate traffic without fearing the retribution?

To succeed in Reddit marketing, you have to bring your A marketing content game and become a valued Reddit contributor. Forget about the shortcuts, this is the only proven way to redirect some of that Reddit traffic to your website. You can do so by posting and commenting. Although the main focus of this article is on how to use Reddit to generate organic traffic, you should know that Reddit offers paid advertising services as. Recently, some major brands have been using Reddit Advertising in their marketing campaigns.

Google used Reddit to advertise their new Pixel phonewhile Toyota earned thousands of comments over their 4 Reddit ads promoting the Rav4 Hybrid model. Since paid advertisements are not really the main point of this article, you can check out this detailed guide on how to use Reddit ads to generate sales for your business. The Japanese carmaker, Nissan, however, dared to try. But they decided to take an old-fashioned approach to their potential customers — buying their loyalty.

Two Nissan community managers asked redditors for their favorite things on Amazon — and then started buying those for them! Nissan received almost 1, comments and ended reddir gifting xuccess redditors with a long range of items ranging from Reddit Gold premium membership to Nexus 10 and 4, ladybugs!?

Why all the trouble? The occasion was the promotion of their new model, Nissan Versa Note, which became the first car available for purchase on Amazon. They received a really great response and this remains one of storie most successful Reddit campaigns. They say an image is worth a thousand words, so…. They used the subreddit to post 42 different math questions with a 3-minutes-andseconds interval between. The first redditor to answer each question correctly received a full-year Reddit Gold subscription.

In addition to the great response from redditors, Ford also received additional media coverage, as CBS News and altcoinn media recognized their creativity. Beardbrand is an online company that sells beard care products. More important for our topic, they are an online company that knows how to use Reddit for marketing purposes. Most importantly, redxit did their research.

How exactly? So, they just started answering their questions and interacted with their comments, with NO links back to their site! This is a textbook implementation of two of our rules for great Reddit marketing — get to know your audience and contribute valuable content and it set Beardbrand as the gold standard of Reddit marketing. The co-founder of Snappa also tested this approach but on a smaller scale and got succesd and new account sign-ups on latcoin basis of just one Reddit post.

What made this story a success? Everybody loves success stories. They inspire and motivate. That was his biggest mistake succsss it was obvious that he was there ONLY to promote the movie. This clearly triggered the community so they started posting replies such reddt. In addition to insulting both Harrelson and the movie, some users even suggested boycotting the film.

Obviously, this campaign was a complete and utter failure. Instead of thinking only about your main goal, you have to offer something of real value to the users. Makes perfect sense, right? Not really. The mentioned company tried blatantly promoting themselves without offering any value to the readers:. The result?

The only thing worse than getting completely destroyed in the comments by hostile Redditors is getting totally ignored. No comments. No responses. No upvotes. The fact that no one even bothered to comment resonates stronger than any scornful comment or downvote.

This goes for criticism and praise alike. Hopefully, the second thing you learned is how to use Reddit aaltcoin leverage the passion of its users in order to generate traffic and improve your overall marketing strategy. Suxcess email address will not be published. Join our team on Kiva.

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