Ethereum forum altcoins

ethereum forum altcoins

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Bitcoin Forum. Matthew Light Expand Collapse. Joined: Dec 25, Messages: Likes: reddit: huntingisland. After getting spammed about Ethereum on Reddit, I decided to check it. Fascinating platform, I actually decided to buy a bit of Ether on shapeshifter just in case this is the next revolution in distributed computing.

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ethereum forum altcoins
Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you’re new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Sign In Register. Vega Finally Unleashed! Fine-tuned performance and power consumption in a single chassis.

Bitcoin Forum. Matthew Light Expand Collapse. Joined: Dec 25, Messages: Likes: reddit: huntingisland. After getting spammed about Ethereum on Reddit, I decided to check it. Fascinating platform, I actually decided to buy a bit of Ether on shapeshifter just in case this is the next revolution in distributed computing.

Anyone else here interested in Ethereum? YarkoL Expand Collapse. Joined: Dec 18, Messages: Likes: Damn, you’re telling me that spam actually works??? Aside from that, I think Ethereum’s great and quite possibly revolutionary as you say. Last summer I devoted couple of weeks for learning how to do stuff with it. At that time the documentation was a little sparse, and there were some difficulties getting past roadblocks. I wonder if that situation has changed for better?

It reminds me of the excitement and new possibilities when I heard about Bitcoin in Reading the Ethereum fora is such a breath of fresh air compared to the nightmare of the blocksize stupidity consuming Bitcoin these days. The people are all interested in making the platform work as well as can be conceived of. VeritasSapere likes. Ethereum may be a trading opportunity but I don’t see it as smart money. But in this case you get to write code and spend it. If this gets much more ingrained I would have to think Microsoft might look at scraping Ethereum and making it based on a USD coin.

Everyone has to do their own due diligence of course. But I ethereuum Ethereum has a shot at taking what Bitcoin etheremu and doing a lot. I was comfortable enough with the possibility to take a long-term position.

VeritasSapere Expand Collapse. Joined: Nov 16, Messages: Likes: 1, I have been mining Ethereum since launch. I have several GPU rigs sitting next to my asics miners.

It has actually been very profitable, and it has changed the GPU mining landscape since launch, for the better. I am also holding Ethereum, ethereum forum altcoins is a good project. One issue I have with Ethereum is that it is still so difficult to use. It was a pain in the ass when I first started mining. I think its a bit funny, how most coins are launched today is that it is all very easy. But with Ethereum it was all forun huge pain in the ass, its like they are special, so user experience does not matter.

Not sure how much it has improved since I got my miners running, but I am still a bit discouraged using a Ethereum full node directly. Not having a particularly deep technical background I am not very adapt at command line, so you could say I am still forjm sucker for a shiny GUI.

Matthew Light likes. Bloomie Expand Collapse. Joined: Aug 19, Messages: Likes: I tried mining it and failed miserably. Will wait until altcojns a dumb guy version. At least it does include all of the commands, and does not assume knowledge of Linux command line.

This is for nvidea type cards and I used Ubuntu I am running several TI rigs, 6 cards per board. Still very efficient cards, but if I was to build another rig now I would use the ‘s. Same efficiency but more power. Joined: Dec 8, Messages: 69 Likes: It’s not just a rumor, the banks are definitely going with ETH technology on their atcoins blockchain. Joined: Feb 5, Messages: 11 Likes: I am invested in the altcoins myself, including Ethereum. However investing in cryptocurrency I have learned that diversification is very important.

I hold more then twenty different cryptocurrencies. I personally think that seventy five percent of your ethereum forum altcoins holdings is to much to put into any one alternative cryptocurrency.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt, no investment is ever guaranteed. Investing in cryptocurrency this strategy has served me. I am not a extremely early adopter like many of the people. So having good investment strategies is not wrong, we are taking care of our own future and families.

Having a well diversified portfolio is wisdom and in my case at least will allow me to continue devoting my time to the cryptocurrency revolution. I have a bit of physical gold and silver as. If Bitcoin becomes the global monetary standard I’ll do just fine. If ETH does, I’ll do better than fine. I’ve evaluated the other «altcoins» and never had any interest in them aside from Ethereum, which I think has a very good shot at becoming the global ledger.

Also fforum my eye on Hyperledger, but so far it’s just vaporware. Regarding Bitcoin, the civil war has caused me to decide that enhancing Bitcoin to scale globally and support blockchain applications simply won’t happen. Meanwhile, Ethreum is doing all kinds of new and amazing things with the platform. I just don’t see Bitcoin able to keep up given what has happened with blocksize over the last three years. But if I’m wrong, I still own a significant fraction of the Bitcoin ledger if it becomes the global ledger.

I just don’t believe it will at this point. Ethereum isn’t yet even close to the size of Bitcoin. How are you so sure then when it reaches the same level of scale it won’t be hit with the exact same types of civils wars and infighting bitcoin has?

This is only happening forkm because it is so big and valuable. If not the blocksize, it would be about something. Having a project or company for that mater depend one developer is pretty fragile if you ask me. Bagatell Expand Collapse. I’m also diversifying. The only coin in the top three I don’t have is Ripple. Does anyone have an elevator pitch for it? I know nothing about it other than Theymos thought it was a good idea back in You must log in or sign up to post.

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It is here to stay. Are your advices after the high increases in the last erhereum still valid? Binance promises to offer strong performance, usability, and security. These transactions are initiated using a single currency, XRP. Keep up the good work! Reply Gstar January 2, at This seems to have some very practical applications with a lot of large power companies around the world signing up. Ethereum is big, decentralized industry in the making. Factom raised a total foruum 8 million dollars in April from various high-profile investors, including Tim Draper, Stewart Title, and Bill Gates. Bitcoin is ethereum forum altcoins leading the virtual currency pack, even with many close competitors.


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